Category: Film

Oh Yeah, I Saw “Looper” This Weekend…

What:  Criminals in the future send people they want to disappear 30 years into the past, where people called “Loopers” kill them and dispose of the bodies.  But when one of these Loopers (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) sees that the person sent back is himself (Bruce Willis) and accidentally lets him escape, chaos ensues.

There’s actually quite a bit more, but to continue to discuss plot points would reveal a lot that you should probably experience for yourself.  Here, watch this:



Rian Johnson (who wrote and directed this, along with Brick and The Brothers Bloom) always has a very specific tone and vision for his world, and that’s one of the elements that helps keep this film so enjoyable.  Up to this point in his still-young career, he hasn’t failed to disappoint when allowing us to see what he’s playing around with in his sandbox.  Ultimately, however, one of the things that makes Johnson’s films so enjoyable is the fact that he remembers that the visuals are still to be used in support of the story, rather than in place of it, and although there are a couple of spots where it feels like there were threads that were omitted (probably for time), this movie is well worth your time.


Documentaries can tell amazing, compelling stories that you really couldn’t make up (or at least, if you did, you’d be told that the script was far too unrealistic).  Sports documentaries often cover the weird, the most unlikely of victories (or defeats).

Tomorrow a documentary about the knuckleball, the most insane pitch in baseball, releases in limited theaters and on video on demand.  I’m pretty excited – in part because I love baseball, in part because the documentary follows Tim Wakefield and R.A. Dickey (the best two knuckleballers of the past 20 years), and then again because I love baseball.


Trailer below!